Thursday, October 31, 2019

HRM 'Managing Human Resources' Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

HRM 'Managing Human Resources' - Assignment Example The HRM function is of particular importance in the post-industrial economy (Harris, 2003) In this emerging system, the critical factor in production has shifted from machines and equipment to the "knowledge" worker (Marchington, 2002). That is, service has replaced production as the driving force in the economy, and the prominent way value is added is through the expertise of knowledge workers and the ministrations of service providers. In systems like this, it becomes even more important to obtain and use the full talents of all employees in the organization. Thus, the skilful adoption and use of HRM policies becomes a significant lever through which to move and direct the performance of the organization. As Gibb (2000) noted, HRM is really a series of policy choices about how employees are to be treated, paid, and worked. These policies will in turn impact and condition the nature of the employment relationship. Different policies lead to different outcomes in employee commitment, competence, and congruence with organizational goals. Likewise, each policy choice presents the decision maker with a distinctive cost and benefit alternative. For example, compensation policy choices to pay either at the low, average, or high end of the labour market have rather dramatic implications for employee commitment to the organization and for costs to the employer. The fundamental rationale for effective management of human resources should be to identify and implement those policies, programs, and procedures that will yield the desired levels of loyalty, skill, and direction in the most cost-effective manner possible. In this sense, HRM offers to organizational decision makers a set of people in vestment opportunities. Managing human resources effectively has never been as important as it is today and will be tomorrow. In today's service economy of knowledge-based, high-discretion jobs, the commitment and competence of employees can spell the difference between those organizations that win and those that are merely in the race. Establishing policies, programs, and practices that produce these results on a cost-effective basis and comply with laws and regulations is a complex undertaking. HRM can and should play a strategic role in the management of the organization. According to Chandy (2001), a large number of organizations have encountered severe difficulties finding personnel in recent years. We have little knowledge about how organizations are coping with these difficulties and are going about hiring staff. Considering the supply/demand trends of the last few decades - when the labour market used to be a buyers' market and a considerable pool of unemployed formed a buffer that could absorb cyclic fluctuations in labour demand - it is almost not astounding that most studies focused on employees' job seeking activities. (Chandy, 2001, pp 403-405) Research on the theoretical and empirical facet of organizations' behaviour to find appropriate staff, has studied first and foremost the selection behaviour: how to select personnel from a group of applicants. Nearly all vacancies are filled from a group of applicants that is created soon after posting the vacancy. On account of the economic expansion of the first

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Reducing your carbon footprint Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reducing your carbon footprint - Research Paper Example The term itself, Carbon Footprint, has very little to do with drawings or the footsteps we make in the sand. In this case, the term is a metaphor for the way that our activities impact the resources of the planet. Carbon Footprints relate to the way we use the natural resources of the planet and how fast we use it. Therefore, a Carbon Footprint: â€Å"... is a shorthand to describe the best estimate that we can get of the full climate change impact of something. That something could be anything – an activity, an item, a lifestyle, a company, a country or even the whole world.† (Berners - Lee, Mike â€Å"What is a Carbon Footprint?†). Using this definition, it is easy to understand that we all participate in releasing carbon emissions and leaving our carbon footprints on the planet. Everything we do, from breathing to throwing away a piece of chewed up gum, has a direct effect on the health of the planet and our environment overall. That is why it is of the utmost importance that we learn to reduce our carbon footprints as we live our lifetime. Global warming is the method by which our planet is letting us know that it is ill. Since the signs of illness exist, it is up to us to cure it of the illness. Unlike human beings who can go to doctors for medication, our planet works differently. We are all its doctor. Our actions can either cure the illnes of make everything worse. According to Hayley Morris, founder and director of Impact Sustainability: Effective carbon management strategies along with corporate social responsibility provide us, as individuals and as businesses, with the foundation to ease that pressure and reduce the size of our carbon footprint that is stamping down on the tail of our beloved environment. Until recently as a society we have been coasting along the same old road, consuming every part of the environment we can possibly get our hands on without any regard for or awareness of the damage we may be doing to it (Morris , Hayley â€Å"reducing Carbon Footprint Benefits You and the Environment†). In other words, we are the cause of what is ailing the planet. By actively pursuing activities that increase carbon emissions into the air and decrease the planet's ability to reproduce our needed natural supplies such as food and chemicals for exygen creation, we are stifling the planet's ability to grow and nurture our existence on it. Climate change is a serious problem that is directly affected by the carbon footprint emissions that we make. In order to slow down or cure the problem, we must strive towards reducing these carbon footprint emissions as best as we can. For starters, we can do simple things such as unplugging appliances when not in use, using public transport or biking once or twice a week to reduce carbon monoxide in the air, buying energy efficient appliances, and properly insulating our homes for the cold months. By implementing these changes, we will find that reducing our carbon footprints also has positive outcomes for us as individuals. For example, opting to walk or take a bike ride rather than taking the car of public transport during short trips will increase our physical activity. This will lead to â€Å"reduced obesity and heart disease among the population while also providing our environment with reduced global CO2 emissions, small particle pollution, noise, and injuries. Another health related benefit of reduced carbon footprints is that by making better dietary choices, such as

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Dopamine Neuron Characteristics

Dopamine Neuron Characteristics Said Mohammed Al Hakmani The question of this assignment Discuss the characteristics of a dopamine neuron and how does this relate to what has been achieved in the culture dish. Introduction In our body a lot of organs that make our function of movement and control. Parkinson’s disease affect our move. It happen when there is a problem of the certain of nervous cells in the brain. The nerve cells make an important chemical is named dopamine. The dopamine sends signals to the part of the brain that controls movement. Also, the dopamine lets the move of our muscle smoothly. The Parkinson’s disease breakdown the nerve cells that make the dopamine. When the person do not have enough dopamine the problem of move can start and the person cannot control the way where to move. (1) Figure 1 shows the nerve cells in the brain (1) The Parkinson’s disease is progressive, which means it gets worse over time. But this happen slowly many years. Until now no one know what acutely makes the nerve cells breakdown. However, scientists are doing a lot of research to know the reason of the cells breakdown. Some study say Parkinson disease is gene abnormal in some people but so far there is enough proof to show that its always inherited.(1)Braak’s hypothesis proposes that the Parkinson’s disease begins in the digestive tract and in the brain’s centre of smell. The theory is supported by the fact that symptoms associated with digestion and smell happen very early on the disease. Professor Jia- Yi Lis research team has now been able to tack this process further, from the gut to the brain in rat models. The experiment shows how the toxic protein alpha-synculein is transfer from one cell to another before reaching the brain’s movement centre, giving increase to the characteristic of movemen t in the Parkinson’s disease. He prove that disease process actually can travel from the peripheral nervous system to the central nervous system, in this case from the wall of the gut to the brain.(3) Usually people start to have symptoms of Parkinson’s disease between the ages of 50 and 60. But in certain case start earlier. The symptoms of Parkinson’s disease first may be notice is tremor which means shaking or trembling. And these may affect the hands, arms, or legs. It is one of the most common signs but not everyone has it. Also, not everyone with a tremor has Parkinson’s disease. The tremor often starts only one side of the body or just one arm or leg. In addition, Parkinson’s affects the stiff muscles all through the body, so it causes problems like trouble swallowing or constipation. In the later stages of Parkinson’s disease a person may have fixed expression trouble speaking and other problems. Some people lose mental skills. (1) A dopamine Dopamine is a chemical signal that transfers information from one neuron and the next neuron. It released the signals from the first neuron and it floats into the synapse (the space between the two neurons) to the second neuron. The receptors bumps the signals down to the receiving neurons. The dopamine interested in many different important pathways and it known as the mesolimbic pathways which starts with cells in the ventral tegmental area in the midbrain.(2) The dopamine plays numbers of roles in human and other animals. It controls many functions such as movement, memory, pleasurable reward, attention, sleep, learning, mood, inhibition of prolactin production, and behaviour. The increase and deficiency of this dopamine chemical is cause of several disease like Parkinson’ disease. In the brain, part called the basal ganglia regulates movement. Basal ganglia in turn depend on a certain amount of dopamine to function. The action of this occurs by dopamine receptors D 1-5. Th e deficiency in dopamine in the brain may become delayed and uncoordinated the movement and other function of the body. (3) The dopamine is important neurotransmitter in the brain substantial part of the overall dopamine in the body is produced outside the brain by mesenteric organs. The production of dopamine within the central nervous system, depend on the dopamine biosynthesis. There are two steps of dopamine biosynthesis takes place in the cytosol of CAergic neurons and starts with hydroxylase of L-tyrosine at the phenol ring by tyrosine hydroxylase to produce DOPA.(4) Stem cell The stem cell have potential to develop into many different cell types in the body during early life and growth. In many tissues they serve as a sort of internal repair system, divided without limit to replace other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the ability either to remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell and other cells.(5) The stem cells are featured from other cell types by two important characteristics. First, they are capable of renewing themselves through cell division, sometimes after long periods of inactivity. Second, under some physiologic or experimental conditions, stem cell can be become tissue- or organ-specific cells with special functions. In certain organs, such as the gut and bone marrow, they regularly divide to repair and replace worn out or damaged tissues. In addition, in other organs, such as the pancreas and the heart, stem cells only divide under special conditions. (5) Scientists primarily worked with two types of stem cells from animals and humans: embryonic stem cells and non-embryonic somatic or adult stem cells. In 1981 Scientists discovered ways to derive embryonic stem cells from early mouse embryos nearly 30 years ago. In 1998 the detailed study of the biology of mouse stem cells led to the discovery. After that method to derive stem cells from human embryos and grow the cells in the laboratory. These cells are called human embryonic stem cells. The embryos used to studies were created for reproductive purposes through in vitro fertilization procedures. When they were no longer needed for that purpose, they were donated for research with the informed consent of the donor. Researchers made another breakthrough by identifying conditions that would allow some specialized adult cells to be reprogrammed† to assume a stem cell-like state in 2006. This new kind of stem cell, called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). (5) The Stem cells are important for living organisms for different reasons. In the three to five days old embryo, called a blastocyst, the inner cells give rise to the en tire body of the organism, include all of the many specialized cell types and organs such as the, lungs, heart, skin and other tissues. In certain adult tissues, such as bone marrow, brain, and muscle, the adult stem cells generate replacements for cells that are lost through normal injury, or disease. The stem cells make new potentials for treating diseases such as heart disease and Parkinson disease. However, much work remains to be done in the laboratory to understand how to use these cells therapies to treat disease.(5) Research on stem cells continues to advance about how an organism develops from a single cell and how healthy cells replace damaged cells in adult organisms. The stem cell research is one of the fascinating areas in contemporary biology.(5) The laboratory of human embryonic stem cell The protocol of the laboratory that culture the stem cells must contain special equipment use to avoiding the contamination during make the HESC culture. The equipment that are use a CO2 incubator, that cannot use the detergent to clean use 70% of ethanol to get the best result to control the contamination. Used a biocontainment hood to control of microorganisms. A microscope with phase contrast optics to see the cell and colony morphology. A refrigerator 20Ć¹ and freezers 80Ć¹.Use the liquid nitrogen freezer to store the stocks of HESC and feeders. Also, need small water bath 37 Ć¹ to thawing the cell that are frozen.(6) Feeder culture The feeder culture use to growth of HESC. It prepare primary fibroblast that come from the CF-1 mice. The CF-1 mouse embryonic fibroblasts give the optimal growth of HESC without differentiation and recommended for many reason such as function well making feeder, available and cheaper. (6) The methods culture HESC The first thing need to culture the HESC is good feeder. Human embryonic stem cell should be passaged when the colonies reach size 300 to 500 cells. The plate should be passaged large culture of colonies. The cell always passaged to the plate of feeder cell less than seven days. (6) The materials that required for passaging Human embryonic stem cell are ESC medium, 15 ml centrifuge tubes, calcium/magnesium free PBS, collagenase type IV, cell scraper ,10 cm plates and 0.1% gelatin.(6) The procedure: Table show the methods of passaging HESC adopted steps only but I create the table (6) Growth of the HESC To growth the human embryonic stem cell transfer cell from preimplantation stage embryo to the culture dish. The cell will grow on the culture dish and will spread and divided on the surface of the media. The culture dish contain the mouse embryonic cell which provide the nutrients into the culture media to growth the cell. However, researcher now devised to grow the embryonic stem cells without mouse feeder cells to avoid the risk viruses that can transfer from the media to the human. (5) The test use to identify embryonic stem cells in the laboratory. There is no standard test approved yet to the scientists who study human embryonic stem cells. However, the laboratories that grow the human embryonic stem cells use different types of test such as: Growing and subculture of the stem cell for many months to make sure the health of the cell. Use techniques to determine the presence of transcription factors that produced by undifferentiated cells. These are two important transcription factors Nanog and Oct-4. The both factors help the genes to turn on and off to make maintain the stem cell to undifferentiated and self-renewal.(5) The GMP There are many challenges to use the stem cells for replacement therapy. However, the good manufacturing practice (GMP) is quality assurance system that use to make sure the product of stem cells is good and safe to use for treatment. The GMP in human embryonic stem cell culture required several components for good clinical practice. First, the culture or the feeder media that use in the laboratory must be reach to standard of GMP. Second, the inner cell mass of the blastocyst and passaging of the cell. Final, all components of the culture and cryopreservation media should validated to the GMP system. (7) The ethical issue surrounding the use of embryonic cell need be carefully controlled. In UK human embryonic stem cell can collected from left over embryos produced as part of vitro fertilisation. This can done under strict UK guidelines from Human Fertilisation Embryology Authority and only in the early stage embryos can be use in research up to maximum of 14 day of development.(8) The power of stem cell In 1980, the researcher take stem cell inside the developing embryos and growth in the laboratory to make the human embryonic stem cell. However, the adult stem cell are extremely powerful and easier for researcher to make embryonic stem cell and can converted into any type of cell in the body. But there is risk that the stem cell may grow uncontrolled in the body which cause to formation of tumour.(8) Scientist in Japan worked to make stem cell from normal adult cell in 2006 and this called induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS). This iPS cell in the future may use to make for the patient own cell and it be safe from other factor the affect the patient. The researcher attempted to treat the cell that are die from the nervous cell by make experiment on rat and mice. It show improvement to develop of dopamine that make replace of nervous cell. The researcher can measure the increase of dopamine neuron function in striatum of the patient by using positron emission tomography that make image of the brain.(5) Many researchers believe that embryonic stem cell could be excellent source of dopamine neurons because can grow in culture dish and make into any type of cell after long time in culture. Now, the dopamine neurons have been generated from the Human embryonic stem cell. One study research use the special type of companion cell with specific growth factors to promote the differentiation of the embryonic stem cell through several stages into dopamine (5) References, (2014). Parkinsons Disease Center: Symptoms, Treatments, Causes, Tests, Diagnosis, and Prognosis. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Nov. 2014]. Slate Magazine, (2014). Slate Magazine Politics, Business, Technology, and the Arts. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Nov. 2014]., (2014). Health News and Information News Medical. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Nov. 2014]. Meiser, J., Weindl, D. and Hiller, K. (2013). Complexity of dopamine metabolism. Cell Commun Signal, 11(1), p.34., (2014). NIH Stem Cell Information Home Page. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Nov. 2014]., (2014). Home MED Stem Cell Institute, University of Minnesota. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Nov. 2014]. Unger, C., Skottman, H., Blomberg, P., Sirac Dilber, M. and Hovatta, O. (2008). Good manufacturing practice and clinical-grade human embryonic stem cell lines. Human Molecular Genetics, 17(R1), pp.R48-R53. Stem cells the story so far. (2014). progress the research magazine of Parkinsons UK, (15 summer).

Friday, October 25, 2019

Hannibal Barca :: essays research papers

Hannibal Barca was born in 247 B.C. in the city of Carthage, which was located in modern Tunis, or the northern tip of Africa. His father, Hamilcar Barca, was a great Carthaginian general of the army who fought in the First Punic War between Rome and Carthage, which the latter lost. At a very young age, Hamilcar made Hannibal promise â€Å"eternal hatred towards Rome† (Lendering, 1). At around age nine, Hannibal accompanied his father on an expedition to gain a hold in Spain. During this time was when Hannibal probably gained most of his military knowledge that helped him greatly later in life. When Hannibal’s father and older brother died in 229 and 226, Hannibal was elected commander-in-chief of the Carthaginian army. About ten years later, Hannibal, acting on his promise to his father, attacked the city of Sagantum in Spain, which was controlled by the Romans. This attack led to the start of the Second Punic War between Carthage and Rome.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Even before the war started, Hannibal knew what he was going to do. Since Carthage had no navy, there was no hope of going directly from Carthage to Italy over the Mediterranean Sea. Hannibal thought up a dangerous but ingenious plan. In order to get to Italy over land, Hannibal and his army would have to travel from Carthage-controlled Spain across the Alps and into the heart of the enemy. Hannibal left in the cold winter of 218 B.C. with 50,000 infantry, 9,000 cavalry, and 37 war elephants. While crossing the Alps, â€Å"Hannibal’s force suffered greatly from the elements and the hostility of the local tribesmen† (Beshara, 3). By the time they reached Italy, after only fourteen days, over 9,000 men had perished along with most of the elephants, but this number was soon replenished after 14,000 northern Gaul rebels joined Hannibal’s army. This group of 60,000 men proved superior to the Roman forces, and after at least three recorded major vic tories, the Roman senate was exasperated. An army of 80,000 Roman soldiers was sent to stop Hannibal’s army of now 50,000 once and for all. In July of 216 B.C., the Romans engaged the Carthaginians in â€Å"the neighborhood of Cannae on the Italian east coast† (Lendering, 2). Greatly outnumbered, Hannibal realized that he would have to win by strategy, and that is exactly what he did. As the two lines met, Hannibal’s cavalry gained the flanks and, moving up the sides, attacked the rear of the Roman line.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Incoterms Use for Shipping Terms

INCOTERMS USE FOR SHIPPING TERMS Incoterms rules are international trade terms promulgated by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). Though used primarily in international trade, they are seeing increasing use in domestic trade. When used, they should specify the specific shipping term, the location, Incoterms, and the edition. An example is â€Å"DAT Pier 82 Port of Philadelphia Incoterms ® 2010. † Incoterms rules specify the point at which risk of loss occurs, but not, strictly speaking, where title changes.In addition, they specify which party is responsible for freight (or carriage) charges, but not payment terms for the goods themselves. The ICC prefers that â€Å"Incoterms† be used as an adjective, not a noun, in prose. The word itself is trademarked and the rules are copyrighted, so at least the last edition, Incoterms ® 2010, should include the trademark. The U. S. national council of the ICC is the U. S. Council for International Business (USCIB). The leading U. S. authority is Frank Reynolds, who served on the eight-member committee of the ICC which drafted the Incoterms ® 2010 rules.New rules have been published every ten years, and the second latest, Incoterms 2000, is still in widespread use. The rules are brought more up-to-date in their application, and sometimes, old terms are deleted and new terms are added. There has been a tendency to incorporate container shipment provisions, and to place responsibility for export specifics more on the seller and import specifics more on the buyer. The edition of the rules should always be specified, such as â€Å"FOB Terminal 86 Port of Seattle Incoterms 2000. The named place (â€Å"delivery† under Incoterms rules) is where risk of loss changes, and usually, but not always, where responsibility for carriage charges changes. Incoterms rules are not law and are incorporated into the sales contract by explicit reference to them. The sales contract includes additional specifics of the contract, and may modify the Incoterm chosen. However, the International Chamber of Commerce cautions that Sometimes the parties want to alter an Incoterms rule. The Incoterms ® 2010 rules do not prohibit such alteration, but there are dangers in so doing.In order to avoid any unwelcome surprises, the parties would need to make the intended effect of such alterations extremely clear in their contract. Thus, for example, if the allocation of costs in the Incoterms 2010 ® rules is altered in the contract, the parties should also state whether they intend to vary the point at which the risk passes from seller to buyer. Domestic trade is likely to see increasing use of the ICC’s international commercial terms. The 2000 edition of Incoterms first provided for this, and the subtitle of Incoterms 2010 ® is actually ICC rules for the use of domestic and international trade terms. As a result, the Incoterms ® 2010 clearly state in a number of places that the obligation to comply with export/import formalities only exists where applicable. † Domestic trade terms from the UCC, even those which use the same letters, are not precisely the same as the international trade terms. FOB, or free on board, is more restricted and precisely defined internationally, and is only used for water transportation, whereas it may be used for any form of transportation domestically. The UCC provisions are rather short and dated compared with the more up-to-date, detailed rules found in Incoterms ® 2010.A total of eleven Incoterms rules are available, down from thirteen in Incoterms 2000. These three-letter terms give responsibilities for, in addition to delivery and shipment charges, documents provision, information availability, and security coordination. EXW—Ex-works. Here the seller merely makes the goods available at its premises and the buyer, or more likely the buyer’s freight carrier, picks them up. The seller does not clear the goods for export. However, the exporter’s government sometimes requires the manufacturer to file particular documents (in the U. S. he manufacturer is the â€Å"Principal Party in Interest† even if another party exports the goods out of the country), so despite the limited obligations of the exporter under this term, many authorities conclude that other shipment terms, such as FCA, are usually more appropriate in international trade. In addition, from the point of view of the buyer, the seller is usually in a better position to handle the export legalities. FCA—Free Carrier. The seller’s responsibility is to get the goods to the carrier nominated by the buyer. The location specified, however, may be the seller’s place of business.Under EXW the seller is not obligated to load the goods, but if under FCA the seller’s place of business is specified as the location of delivery, it is. If the terms are FCA somewhere else, then the seller does not have to l oad the goods on the carrier’s vehicle but simply gets them to the carrier’s location. Once the seller gets the goods to the carrier, risk of loss and responsibility for shipping charges rests with the buyer. This term is seeing increasing use, and is well-suited for intermodal and containerized transport. CPT—Carriage Paid to.CPT is quite similar to the more common CFR. Like CFR, the seller chooses the carrier and pays for shipment, but the risk of loss passes to the buyer after the goods have been delivered by the seller to the carrier. CIP—Carriage and Insurance Paid to. Under CPT and CIP the seller chooses and pays the carrier. Under FCA the buyer chooses the shipping company and pays it. Under all three the risk of loss passes when the seller delivers the goods to the carrier. All three are used for intermodal and containerized transport. DAT—Delivered at Terminal. Incoterms rules give a named place.Here the terms might be â€Å"DAT Pier 82 P ort of Philadelphia Incoterms ® 2010† which mean that the seller gets the goods to Pier 82 and unloads them from the ship, and bears risk of loss until they are in the terminal. DAP—Delivered at Place. Here the terms might be â€Å"DAP Area 14 Clover Shippers Cleveland Incoterms ® 2010† which mean that the seller gets the goods to Area 14, bearing risk of loss and freight charges to that point, but unlike DAT the buyer is responsible for unloading the goods. DDP—Delivered Duty Paid. The seller does virtually everything, getting the goods to the buyer’s place of business.EXW is the only term in which the buyer clears for export, and DDP is the only term in which the seller provides for import formalities. FAS—Free Alongside. Here the seller’s responsibility is to get the goods on the dock alongside the ship. From that point expenses and risk of loss are for the buyer. Under Incoterms rules, FAS, FOB, CFR, and CIF are only for water transport. ————————————————- Domestic term FAS, Free Alongside, appears in the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). As in the international version, it requires the seller to place the goods alongside the ship for shipment.FOB—Free on Board. The seller’s responsibility is to get the goods on board the ship. From that point expenses and risk of loss are for the buyer. Used especially for shipments of bulk items like grains, but not well-suited for containerized and intermodal freight, in which the seller typically gets the goods to a container staging area well away from the ship. (Under all previous Incoterms editions, water-based-transportation delivery occurred when the goods â€Å"passed the ship’s rail;† now delivery occurs when the goods are â€Å"on board† the ship. FOBS or FOBST are sometimes used, although they are not listed in Incoter ms publications. FOBS means FOB Stowed, in which the seller is responsible for getting the goods down in the hold of the ship. FOB Stowed and Trimmed means that the seller is also responsible for balancing the cargo load so that the ship lies in the water correctly. FOBST L/S/D means the seller gets the goods on board the ship, stows them in the hold, trims the vessel, and provides lashing, securing, and dunnaging for the goods, which means they are secured safely for transport and properly aerated. ———————————————— Domestic term FOB, Free on Board, appears in the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). Although FOB is probably the most widely-used Incoterms rule, it is even more widely-used domestically, with well over half of domestic transport shipped under this three-letter code. Unlike the international version, the domestic version may be used for any type of transport, not j ust water-related. Incoterms rules provide for much more detail than UCC provisions.Incoterms rules specify the buyer as the party which nominates the carrier, and the buyer typically gives the specific time, dock, and ship to which the goods are to be delivered as well, but under domestic transport the seller will often be the party which chooses the transportation company. ————————————————- Internationally, FOB is referenced from a port of shipping, but domestically it may be specified from almost any location within the United States.FOB Origin (or Shipping Point) means that risk of loss passes to the buyer as the seller ships the goods from its premises. FOB Destination means that risk of loss passes to the buyer only as the buyer receives the goods at its receiving dock. The parties may also specify a location for FOB responsibilities. A shipment of oranges from Flori da to Minnesota could use terms FOB Miami, or FOB Minneapolis–or even FOB Atlanta, in which case risk of loss and responsibility for payment of freight charges would transfer from the seller to the buyer in Atlanta. ————————————————-Through usage a number of common modifiers have been appended to the basic domestic shipping terms: ————————————————- FOB Origin, Freight Collect is usually how FOB Origin is stated. This means explicitly that risk of loss passes to the buyer as the seller ships the goods, and that the buyer pays freight charges to the carrier. FOB Origin, Freight Collect is by far the most common domestic shipping term. If only FOB is specified, or FOB Origin is specified, the shipment is assumed to be under FOB Origin, Freight Collect terms. ———————————————— FOB Origin, Freight Prepaid passes the risk of loss to the buyer as the seller ships the goods but provides that it is the seller, and not the buyer, who pays freight charges to the carrier. Also stated as (1) FOB Origin, Freight Allowed; (2) FOB Origin, Freight Prepaid and Allowed. ————————————————- FOB Origin, Freight Prepaid and Added passes the risk of loss to the buyer as the seller ships the goods but provides that it is the seller who pays freight charges to the carrier.However, the seller then adds the freight charge, typically as a separate line in the invoice, to the buyer’s bill. Also stated as (1) FOB Origin, Freight Prepaid and Add; (2) FOB Origin, Freight Prepaid and Charged; (3) FOB Origin, Freight Prepaid and Charged Back. ————————————————- FOB Destination, Freight Prepaid means that the seller bears risk of loss in shipment and also pays the carrier. Universities usually prefer this term. Also stated as FOB Destination, Freight Prepaid and Allowed. â€Å"FOB Destination† alone is assumed to be FOB Destination, freight prepaid. ———————————————— FOB Destination, Freight Prepaid and Added means that the seller bears risk of loss in shipment and pays the carrier, but then adds the freight charge, typically as a separate line in the invoice, to the buyer’s bill. Also stated as (1) FOB Destination, Freight Prepaid and Add; (2) FOB Origin, Freight Prepaid and Charged; (3) FOB Origin, Freight Prepaid and Charged Back. ———————à ¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- FOB Destination, Freight Collect states that the seller bears risk of loss in shipment, but that the buyer pays the carrier. ———————————————— FOB Destination, Freight Collect and Allowed provides that the seller bears risk of loss, the buyer pays the carrier, and that the buyer deducts the freight charge as a separate line on the seller’s invoice. CFR—Cost and Freight. The seller’s quoted price includes freight. However, risk of loss passes to the buyer when the goods are on board the ship. Many buyers initially like to use CFR or CIF as the seller handles more of the arrangements–choosing the shipping firm and paying for the freight.However, more experienced buyers sometimes like to use FOB instead, as this gives them more control after the items reach the port of shipment . Although not listed in Incoterms publications, CFR FO and CFR LO are sometimes used as shipment terms. FO means free out, in which the price (to the buyer) does not include unloading (or discharging) at the port of destination. LO means liner out, in which the price does include discharge at the port of destination. CFR LO may also be given as CFR liner terms, CFR berth terms, or CFR landed.Under plain CFR terms, the seller is under no strict obligation to pay for the discharge of the goods, but it is recognized that often he or she will as they may be included in the common shipment contract. If not, the buyer must use his or her own movers (stevedores) to get the goods off the ship. Incoterms rules specify obligations between buyer and seller. In contracts a party makes with a shipping company, â€Å"free† means it is free for the shipping company—FI or free in, the ship’s owner does not load the goods, but whoever charters the vessel does. FO or ree out mea ns that the ship’s crew does not unload the goods, but rather that the charterer provides for discharging Liner in means that the ship owner loads the goods, and liner out means that the ship owner discharges the goods. ————————————————- Domestic term Cost and Freight, or CF, or CNF, or C&F, appears in the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). As in the international version, it requires the seller to place the goods on the vehicle for shipment. However, unlike the international version, the domestic version may be used for any type of transport, not just water-related.In both international and U. S. versions, the seller pays the freight, but risk of loss is the buyer’s in shipment. Although not as frequently used as FOB, the terms CF (CFR Incoterms) and CIF are quite common, both domestically and internationally. CIF—Cost, Insurance, and Freight. Same as CFR except that insurance is included. ————————————————- CIF appears in both Incoterms rules and the UCC. Under Incoterms EXW, FCA, FAS, and FOB the buyer selects the carrier. Under CFR, CIF, CPT, CIF, DAT, DAP, and DDP the seller selects the carrier.FAS, FOB, CFR, and CIF are for water transportation only, but the others are for any mode of transport. Incoterms 2000 had 13 terms. EXW FCA FAS FOB CFR CIF CIP CPT DAF or delivered at frontier. DES or delivered ex-ship. The seller got the goods to the buyer’s port but the buyer was responsible for unloading. This term was often used for coal and other large commoditized shipments. ————————————————- Domestic term Ex-ship appears in the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and provides, unlike the international version, that the seller unloads the goods onto the dock.DEQ or delivered ex-quay. The seller got the goods to the buyer’s port and got them unloaded on the dock or quay. DDU or delivered duty unpaid. DDP TITLE AND ACCOUNTING Unlike international trade terms under Incoterms rules, domestic use of FOB may be for any transportation mode. The most common domestic shipping term is FOB Origin, Freight Collect, which means that title and risk of loss pass to the buyer at the seller’s place of business, and the shipping company collects the charge from the buyer. Equivalently, FOB Shipping Point, Freight Collect is the same thing.FOB Destination, Freight Prepaid means that title and risk of loss pass from the seller to the buyer at the buyer’s place of business, and the seller prepays the shipping charge to the shipping company. Accountants report a merchandiser’s and a manufacturer’s revenues when a sale is made. The term, FOB Shipping Point, indicates that the s ale occurred at the shipping point—at the seller’s shipping dock. FOB Destination indicates that the sale will occur when it arrives at the destination—at the buyer’s receiving dock.Accountants also assume that the cost of transporting the goods corresponds to these terms. If the sale occurred at the shipping point (seller’s shipping dock), then the buyer should take responsibility for the cost of transporting the goods. (The buyer will record this cost as Freight-In or Transportation-In. ) If the sale doesn’t occur until the goods reach the destination (terms are FOB Destination), then the seller should be responsible for transporting the goods until they reach the buyer’s unloading dock. (The seller will record the transportation cost asFreight-Out, Transportation-Out, or Delivery Expense. ) (From http://blog. accountingcoach. com/fob-shipping-point-fob-destination/) CONTAINERIZATION—WIKIPEDIA Containerization (British:contai nerisation) is a system of freight transport based on a range of steel intermodal containers. Containers are built to standardized dimensions, and can be loaded and unloaded, stacked, transported efficiently over long distances, and transferred from one mode of transport to another—container ships, rail and semi-trailer trucks—without being opened.The system was developed after World War II, led to greatly reduced transport costs, and supported a vast increase in international trade. Container capacity is often expressed in twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU, or sometimes teu). An equivalent unit is a measure of containerized cargo capacity equal to one standard 20 ft (length) ? 8 ft (width) container. A 20-foot-long (6. 1 m) ISO container equals 1 TEU.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Elizabeth Cady Stanton Solitude of Self Analysis

Solitude of Self Elizabeth Cady Stanton Solitude of Self speech addressed the equality and rights of women in the United States. She felt as though women should have the right to choose whatever path they wanted no matter what the circumstances were. Stanton illustrated that, in order for women to be considered as participating citizens of our country, the boundaries of what women can do had to be omitted. Women were entitled to the same equalities as men because throughout the darkest situations gender doesn’t change the feelings and emotional damage that an individual goes through.Stanton explained how there is no difference between men and women, humans were created with the same natural rights. The fact that men have no restrictions and can pursue whatever they wanted, puts women at a disadvantage. Men had the basic necessities to protect themselves in which women lacked. Stanton illustrates this when she says, â€Å"In fitting out an army, we give each soldier his own kn apsack, arms, powder, his blanket, cup, knife, fork and spoon.We provide alike for all their individual necessities; then each man bears his own burden. † In this quote, Stanton was making reference to how a man in the army gets equipped with the basic necessities and skills to survive; but women do not get the basic necessities in life to survive on their own. The law in our country made women to dependent on men and she just want women to be able to be independent without barriers.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Essay Format

Essay Format Whenever you are given an assignment to write an essay, the first thing you should worry about is the essay format. An essay format is a special way you structure your essay. The essay format defines the paper type you write, as there are specific essay formats for essays of different purposes. Whenever you start writing an essay – always check with the essay format guidelines, as you have to strictly follow all regulations. How many students have ever been accused of plagiarism? All students constantly have decent problems with essay format citation, essay format referencing. Only because of bad essay format you have problems with your education. The essay MLA format and essay APA format are very complicated, and students often make mistakes with essay format. When writing an essay, in order for it to have proper essay format you have to carefully reference all sources you have used for your paper, and make sure no detail was missed. Without following essay format instructions, you can receive a lower grade than you really deserve. It doesnt matter if it is college essay format or high school essay format or even university essay format the rules and requirements are evenly strict. When writing an essay, make sure you know what essay format you are supposed to write in. The essay MLA format, essay APA format, essay Turabian format as well as essay Harvard format is completely different. When high schools and colleges usually concentrate on MLA style, Universities and other high academic institutions ask their students to format an essay in APA, MLA, Turabian or Harvard style. Lots of students require essay format help, as they are incapable to produce a quality essay with proper essay format. This can be caused either the lack of essay format guidelines, as you have to have MLA or APA essay guidelines book, where every little detail is mentioned on how you should format your essay. If you are not sure how to format an essay – ask for essay format assistance and essay format help, or read detailed instructions on the net. You might want to consider your professor as an essay format helper, as he can give good essay format tips and essay guidelines on how to format your essay. When you do essay format, never forget to follow all guidelines, as it can be crucial for your essay. Some academic institutions have severe rules on these essay formats. In order to be 100% sure you have formatted your essay properly, ask your professor well before you need to turn it in. This is done in order to correct your essay format if anything goes wrong. Another good way to get a good written essay is to download essay format sample or example essay format straight from the internet. There are various templates, where you can write your essay and not worry about essay format. The whole point of an essay format is to have a well structured text along with all the details of the essay format and in order to ease the whole process of reading an essay. By managing a good essay paper format – you get a guarantee that you will not have problems with non cited sources as well as a proper essay paper, according to all rules and regulations.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Research Report on Ecotourism in Mauritius

Research Report on Ecotourism in Mauritius Introduction to Tourism in Mauritius Tourism is regarded as one of the most important foreign exchange earners in Mauritius. The IMF (2012) reports that tourism is slightly over 8 percent of the countrys GDP, making it an important aspect of the islands economy. The growth in the tourism sector over the past 3 decades has contributed to the overall growth of the Mauritian economy.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Research Report on Ecotourism in Mauritius specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The IMF (2012) reveals that tourism has served as a large engine of job creation in the country. The performance of Mauritiuss tourism sector has been impressive with the country experiencing a remarkable increase from having some 18,000 visitors a year in 1970 to some 400,000 visitors in 1994 and an impressive 960,000 visitors to the island in 2012. The tourism sector in Mauritius is largely homegrown. There are a number of major luxury hotel chains owned and operated by Mauritian entrepreneurs. In addition to this, the Mauritius business community has reinvested part of the proceeds from the sector into the Mauritius economy thereby fostering the countrys economy. Profile of Mauritian Tourists Mauritius is marketed as a high-class destination and targeted at up-market tourists. As an expensive tourist destination, the island is out of reach for the standard tourist. Bulcke and Verbeke (2009) reveal that the inflated airfares are an important factor in making the destination inaccessible. Graham and Forsyth (2012) observe that more than 90% of the total number of visitors to Mauritius go to the country for leisure purposes. The national carrier, Air Mauritius, enjoys almost a monopoly as the main passenger carrier to the island. A key attribute of the airline is that it charges high prices, which help to uphold the high-class destination image that the island has and continues to project. The limited c ompetition faced by Air Mauritius allows the airline to implement price discrimination based on nationality and the origin of the travel. This discrimination ensures that foreigners are charged significantly more than the Mauritius residents are. Since chartered flights are not allowed into the country, reaching Mauritius at a favourable rate proves to be impossible for many. European high-spenders make up the vast majority of Mauritius’ foreign tourists. The largest number of tourists to Mauritius is from France and the French island of Reunion located in the Indian Ocean. These two countries combined account for about 41% of the total number of foreign tourists visiting the country annually.Advertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The popularity of Mauritius among the French travellers can be attributed to the islands long history with France. The islan d was held as a French colony from 1905 to 1810 when it was lost to the British after the Napoleonic wars. There is therefore deep history between France and the island with many cultural and language similarities between the two countries (Graham Forsyth, 2012). The other principal tourist-generating countries include South Africa, United Kingdom, India, Germany, and Italy. Major Attractions The primary attraction offered by Mauritius is the pristine natural setting of the country. Geographically, the Island has an expansive white sandy beach that extends for more than 140 kilometres. In addition to the impressive sandy beaches surrounding the island, the country has beautiful coral reefs that protect many natural lagoons found within the surrounding waters. The turquoise sea surrounding Mauritius is a prime tourist attraction. The combination of the splendid beaches, good climate, and impressive sea life has led to Mauritius being presented as a tropical paradise for tourists. To ensure that all tourists are able to enjoy the countrys physical assets, all tourist hotels in Mauritius have been built on or near the wide beaches or the protected lagoons giving visitors an opportunity to savour the natural beauty of the island. As a small island, Mauritius is able to market itself as a more attractive and exotic destination for tourists. Scheyvens and Momsen (2008) contend that small islands like Mauritius are able to obtain a much higher than average international arrivals growth rate since tourists travelling to this destination can delight in the fact that their island is not shared with any other tourism operators. This exotic nature of Mauritius makes it a prime tourist destination for high-end tourists.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Research Report on Ecotourism in Mauritius specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Major Activities Mauritius has faced increasing competition in its prin cipal tourist-generating countries from other affordable destination. The island has therefore had to diversify its tourism products in order to maintain its clientele and even attract more. The increase in leisure opportunities to visitors was also prompted by the decline in average duration of stay by tourists in Mauritius. Graham and Forsyth (2012) explain that the government implemented a policy aimed at increasing the expenditure per day and rising the average duration of stay for each tourist. The island offers a wide range of water-related sports to its visitors. Common water sports include sea kayaking and kite surfing. Mauritius has a number of cultural and historical sites that tourists can visit. Port Louis offers the visitor an unreserved look into the colonial past of the island. There is a statue of the 17th century French naval officer Mahe de Labourdonnais and Queen Victoria (Mountain Proust, 2002). The two statues pay tribute to the two powers that colonized Maurit ius. The National History Museum has many artefacts that elaborate on the country’s history and its rich culture. In addition to this, the museum has a wide range of stuffed Mauritian birds offering the visitor a glimpse into the expansive bird population of the country. Shopping is another activity that tourists in Mauritius can engage in while visiting the country. The island has a number of high-end shops that offer luxury products from all over the world. There are also duty-free goods that tourists can purchase and duty applied to some luxury products has been reduced in order to promote purchasing by tourists. The island has a number of trendy bars and restaurants that appeal to the fun loving tourists. The island offers a host of nightlife activities including dancing and parties in its vibrant clubs (Mountain Proust, 2002). For further entertainment, the country has a number of world-class casinos that cater primarily for tourists. Tourists are therefore able to visi t these facilities and engage in gambling in the same way as they would do while at world famous gamblingAdvertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More References Bulcke, D. Verbeke, A. (2009). Handbook on Small Nations in the Global Economy: The Contributions of Multinational Enterprises to National Economic Success. London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009 Epler, M.W. (2002). Ecotourism: Principles, Practices and Policies for Sustainability. Nairobi, UNEP. Graham, A., Forsyth, P. (2012). Aviation and Tourism: Implications for Leisure Travel. Boston: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. IMF (2012). Mauritius: 2012 Article IV Consultation Staff Report; Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Mauritius. Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund. Mountain, A. Proust, A. (2002). This is Mauritius. Pretoria: Struik.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Complete List of Transition Words

Complete List of Transition Words Once you have completed the first draft of your paper, you will need to rewrite some of the introductory sentences at the beginning and  the transition statements at the end of every paragraph. Transitions, which connect one idea to the next, may seem challenging at first, but they get easier once you consider the many possible methods for linking paragraphs together- even if they seem to be unrelated. Transition words and phrases  can help your paper move along, smoothly gliding from one topic to the next.  If you have trouble thinking of a way to connect your paragraphs, consider a few  of these 100 top transitions as inspiration. The type of transition words or phrases you use depends on the category of transition you need, as explained below. Additive Transitions Probably the most common type, additive transitions are those  you use when you want to show that the current point is an addition to the previous  one, notes  Edusson, a website that provides students with essay-writing tips and advice. Put another way, additive transitions signal to the reader that you are adding to an idea and/or your ideas are similar, says  Quizlet, an online teacher and student learning community. Some examples of additive transition words and phrases were compiled by Michigan State University  writing lab. Follow each transition word or phrase with a comma: IndeedIn the first placeAndOrTooNorFurtherMoreoverFurthermoreIn factLet aloneAlternativelyAs well (as this)What is moreIn addition (to this)ActuallyMuch lessOn the other handEither (neither)As a matter of factBesides (this)To say nothing ofAdditionallyNot to mention (this)Not only (this) but also (that) as wellIn all honestyTo tell the truth An example of  additive transitions used in a sentence would be: In the first place, no burning in the sense of combustion, as in the burning of wood, occurs in a volcano;  moreover, volcanoes are not necessarily mountains;  furthermore, the activity takes place not always at the summit but more commonly on the sides or flanks....– Fred Bullard,  Volcanoes in History, in Theory, in Eruption In this and the examples of transitions  in subsequent sections, the transition words or phrases are printed in italics to make them easier to find as you peruse the passages. Adversative Transitions Adversative transitions are used to signal conflict, contradiction, concession, and dismissal says Michigan State University. Examples include: ButHoweverOn the other handIn contrastWhileWhereasConverselyEven moreAbove allBut even soNeverthelessNonethelessAlthoughThoughHowever(And) still(And) yetEither wayIn either case(Or) at leastWhichever happensWhatever happensIn ether event An example of an adversative transition phrase used in a sentence would be: On the other hand, professor Smith completely disagreed with the authors argument. Causal Transitions Causal transitionss include: AccordinglyAnd soAs a resultConsequentlyFor this reasonHenceSoThenThereforeThusGranting (that)On the condition (that)In the event thatAs a result (of this)Because (of this)As a consequenceConsequentlyIn consequenceSo  much (so) thatFor the purpose ofWith this intentionWith this in mindUnder those circumstancesThat being the caseThen An example of a causal transition used in a sentence would be: The study of human chromosomes is in its infancy,  and so  it has only recently become possible to study the effect of environmental factors upon them.–Rachel Carson, Silent Spring Sequential Transitions Sequential transitions express a numerical sequence, continuation, conclusion, digression, resumption, or summation, says Michigan State, which gives these examples: In the (first, second, third, etc.) placeTo begin withTo start withInitiallySecondlyNextSubsequentlyBeforeAfterwardAfter thisTo conclude withAs a final pointLast but not leastTo change the topicIncidentallyBy the wayTo get back to the pointTo resumeAnyhowAs was previously statedSoIn shortThusIn sumFinally An example of a sequential transition would be: We should teach that words are not the things to which they refer. We should teach that words are best understood as convenient tools for handling reality....Finally, we should teach widely that new words can and should be invented if the need arises.–Karol Janicki, Language Misconceived In sum, use transition words and phrases judiciously to keep your paper moving, hold your readers attention, and retain your audience until the final word.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

What requirements Texas Courts impose for someone to be an expert in Research Paper - 1

What requirements Texas Courts impose for someone to be an expert in medical malpractice - Research Paper Example Legal statutes, and laws in America, and to be more precise, in the state of Texas, have continued to change, as some parts of this statutes, have exhibited signs and mannerisms that are not entirely right, as of today. Other parts on the other hand have suffered judicial refining, that has sorted them either demolished, and some being re-structured to come out in a very different approach. As mentioned above, one statute often cited in court rulings meant to deal with the issue of medical malpractice in Texas is that of a two-year statute of limitations. When narrowed down, this is translated that, no medical malpractice issue in the state of Texas, may be brought fourth, after a period exceeding two years from the date of completion of treatment (Austin, 2012). For one to rightfully assume the title of an expert in medical malpractice, and in this case, in the state of Texas, it is of utmost importance that the individual follows the basic rules, as per the constitution of America. Many may ask the question, why is this? Primarily, such level of expertise has to be legal, and in accordance with the law. Any act that done contrary to the law, is consequently punishable in a court of law, and with this, there would not be any consideration of one being an expert, while behind bars. The Texas legislature in the year 1977 passed a well-debated and conclusively deliberated act that provided for victims medical liability as well as insurance. This statute put up with the main intention to offer subsequent response in occasion of a needy situation, to a particular case perceived with crisis in medical malpractice, was just what the public needed. The article of law that ruled over such scenarios brought with it pre-suit notification to the particular parties involved, professional reports that came by early, in the litigation process, as well as what would be

Friday, October 18, 2019

Management Strategies - impression management (IM) Essay

Management Strategies - impression management (IM) - Essay Example IM is also used when an individual wishes to maintain and create a specific identity. Often, an individual achieves the goal by exhibiting certain behaviors, both non-verbal and verbal, which causes others to view the individual as desired. Existing research about IM reveals that, it is a dynamic process, which occurs incessantly during interpersonal interactions (Merkl-Davies & Brennan 2007, p120). As people interact with others, they establish signals or cues that indicate how other people perceive them. Therefore, the underlying assumption of this study is to discuss the impression management strategies for performance management in both bureaucratic and post-bureaucratic organizations. According to Kaplan & Fisher (2009, p320), impression management is a goal-directed behavior in bureaucratic organizations. For instance, most job candidates engage into some forms of deceptive such as personality assessment to succeed in the interview process. Although deception is an issue affecting both bureaucratic and post-bureaucratic organizations, the truth of the matter is that many employees continue to use it to further their goals with the organizations. A research by Harris, Gallagher & Rossi (2013, p171) reveals that, most employees who engage into deception often gain organizations benefits such as promotions. In some instances, an employee may impress his/her supervisor by the fact that, he has a strong work background in the immediate field. In other instance, an employee may provide untrue information about his personality.

Foreign Policy Change Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Foreign Policy Change - Assignment Example Legro presented some arguments related tithe change in the foreign policy of the United States. He raised four issues that needed further clarification. He pointed out an issue that is pertaining to the role of politics in performing relevant jobs that need to be reminded to the policy makers (Legro 2005). The author referred to politics by including activities led by the leaders of that country that are associated with the governance of country. Politics has a strong influence that can affect a country and its economy, businesses, society, education, tourism and many other elements. In order to manage and control all aspects of an economy the leaders should make strong strategies. The effective strategy  can always become difficult to develop and implement because of the contingent political battle among political leaders (Legro 2005). Therefore, Legro gave his views on this issue by focusing only on the holistic nature of ideas. He explained that a change in collective ideas is i nherently conflictual and political, but a focus on the situation of the contingent politics in which continuity is likely or it is not properly defined.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Analysis Of Article A Phony Hero For A Phony War Essay

The Analysis Of Article A Phony Hero For A Phony War - Essay Example In regards to General David Petraeus’ case, Lucian K. Truscott argues that he did not achieve anything during his service in Iraq and Afghanistan. Instead, Lucian views General David Petraeus’ strategy of seeking the loyalties of various factions in Iraq as a strategy of seeking personal fame and acclamation. This, according to Lucian, influenced General David Petraeus’ appointment as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (Truscott, 2012). Lucian views the achievements and high publicity acclaimed to General David Petraeus as inappropriate in comparison to the Generals of the World War II era who achieved significantly more than David did. In essence, Lucian K. Truscott’s article seems to criticize General David Petraeus viewing him as a blustery individual who sought media publicity to advance his personal course. In light of this, Lucian views the appointment of General David Petraeus to the Directorship position of the Central Intelligence Agency as well as his deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan as erroneous measures that would have cost the nation greatly (Truscott, 2012).

The Public Employee Union of the Wisconsin State Research Paper - 1

The Public Employee Union of the Wisconsin State - Research Paper Example The governor in order to balance the budget deficit of the state proposed to confiscate collective bargaining from the public sector employees. The negotiation would only be restricted to their wages but it would only be increased up to consumer price index. The employees need to contribute more for pension and medical benefits but there would be no bargaining power. The employees in their working period had made a few contributions for pension benefits and now it is not possible to remove such benefits. The unions were of the opinion that the issue was a political attack to weaken the substantial support of the government workers from the public employee union. However, the government said that they were author conducting their duty for the welfare of the state otherwise the state would suffer from the budget pitfall. If such proposal is approved, then it would affect the government workers, teachers, nurses and various other professionals. However, the government had decided to pre pare the ultimate proposal related to the collective bargaining and would not accept the proposal of union members. The governor was of the opinion that stripping the public employees of the rights of collective bargaining and restraining the subjects of basic wages would provide the state a flexibility regarding the finances to be attained in sequence and also spare the taxpayers from misery (Williams, 2011). These types of issues can be solved by the logical obligation of cost on each side. Such an issue can arise in any situation in the state but it would need to be solved by negotiating, taking into concern the welfare of both sides. The eligible public employees are also required for the government sector. Thus, the favorable decisions from the part of government are important for heartening the employees.  

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

New Restaurant in Summerlin Area, Las Vegas Term Paper - 2

New Restaurant in Summerlin Area, Las Vegas - Term Paper Example The strength of the project lies in its concept. At the same time, the promoter has limited experience in the field. This need not be considered as a drawback, because he is backed up by his family which has rich experience in the business for more than a decade. The various communities in the area need changes and varieties in restaurants in tune with the changing lifestyles. The business in a niche market segment with limited competition has the potential to grow in the long run with a chain of restaurants of the same type. However, unless the company establishes its quality and service levels within a year, other existing companies in the restaurant sector will encroach into this segment. The main objective is to provide a different restaurant experience to the clients by providing quality food which differs in taste and flavor compared to the food provided by others. To make the service more efficient, online booking and door delivery system will be put in place. This is also expected to reduce the crowd level within the restaurant. Providing food at a reasonable price needs a cost-effective procurement policy. Maintaining the highest level of standards and efficiency in operations to achieve the above objectives and build-up reputation, in the long run, are the overall objectives.  The strategic management decision involves selection of a suitable location and a building for the restaurant based on various factors such as the size of the building, approach roads, and parking area.   The interior work and other infrastructure facilities for kitchen, dining halls, and reception should be made within 3 months to prevent others from pursuing the same idea. Arrangements will be made for procurement from the established suppliers who are already supplying to similar restaurants in other cities.   Thereafter, the establishment of an online and door delivery system should be undertaken.  

The Public Employee Union of the Wisconsin State Research Paper - 1

The Public Employee Union of the Wisconsin State - Research Paper Example The governor in order to balance the budget deficit of the state proposed to confiscate collective bargaining from the public sector employees. The negotiation would only be restricted to their wages but it would only be increased up to consumer price index. The employees need to contribute more for pension and medical benefits but there would be no bargaining power. The employees in their working period had made a few contributions for pension benefits and now it is not possible to remove such benefits. The unions were of the opinion that the issue was a political attack to weaken the substantial support of the government workers from the public employee union. However, the government said that they were author conducting their duty for the welfare of the state otherwise the state would suffer from the budget pitfall. If such proposal is approved, then it would affect the government workers, teachers, nurses and various other professionals. However, the government had decided to pre pare the ultimate proposal related to the collective bargaining and would not accept the proposal of union members. The governor was of the opinion that stripping the public employees of the rights of collective bargaining and restraining the subjects of basic wages would provide the state a flexibility regarding the finances to be attained in sequence and also spare the taxpayers from misery (Williams, 2011). These types of issues can be solved by the logical obligation of cost on each side. Such an issue can arise in any situation in the state but it would need to be solved by negotiating, taking into concern the welfare of both sides. The eligible public employees are also required for the government sector. Thus, the favorable decisions from the part of government are important for heartening the employees.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Future Concerns - Gattaca and Fahrenheit 451 Essay Example for Free

Future Concerns Gattaca and Fahrenheit 451 Essay Popular fictions texts expressing views of the future educate audiences about current issues and the dystopias that develop from them. Texts such as the film ‘Gattaca’, directed by Andrew Niccol and novel ‘Fahrenheit 451’ by Ray Bradbury explore futuristic societies and the implications that become of their innovation. Although entertaining, texts such as these are didactic and must be taken seriously, as they communicate messages to audiences regarding prevalent concerns and possible futures based on society’s choices. Gattaca’ (1995) directed by Andrew Niccol, follows the story of the underdog Vincent, who is challenged by genetic discrimination against ‘in? valids’ like himself. Through an elaborate identity switch and the help of ‘genetically advantaged’ Jerome, Vincent prevails to achieve his dreams and find his place at Gattaca Space Station. Niccol utilises conventions of film to convey messages to the audience by highlighting issues relevant to the context of production. Gattaca’ incorporates many themes which highlight the corruption and inequality in this strange, new world. Niccol explores concepts such as elitism, perfection, inequity and modernism. This film opens with two contrasting epigraphs, which entices viewers’ interest into moral themes in ‘Gattaca’. The first quote reads: â€Å"Consider God’s handiwork; Who can straighten what He hath made crooked? † Ecclesiastes 7. 13. An interpretation of this quote is that life is intended to be left alone to take its course, which is contradictory to many ideas in ‘Gattaca’. The quote following reads: â€Å"I not only think that we will tamper with Mother Nature, I think Mother wants us to. † Willard Gaylin. This presents audiences with differing opinions to contemplate as they consider what scientific advancements their own future holds, watching Vincent in his. The opening scene is an extreme close up shot of Vincent’s fingernails, hair follicles and loose skin, against a blue cubicle. The extreme close up shot suggests importance as the camera focuses in on the subject matter, emphasising the significance of Vincent’s DNA. Sterility and cleanliness is suggested by the use of cold, deep blue hues. The use of blue is constant throughout the film, as is the significance in detail. These concepts tie to other scenes, such as ‘The Eyelash’, where Vincent’s own ‘invalid’ eyelash is discovered during a murder investigation. This concept highlights the precision of technology in the future, and that life with such structure becomes complicated. Audiences can learn lessons from examples such as these scenes s they can relate the situations Vincent is put in with possible futures based on the direction society is heading in present times. Another effective technique demonstrated by Niccol is the first person narration by the central character, Vincent. This is important for the development in the movie, as Vincent is the protagonist we are encouraged to empathise with. Therefore, the use of bias narration and perspective is effective in supporting the ideas presented in the film. Following the opening scene is ‘The Not Too Distant Future’, which cuts to a low angle shot looking up to the bold, symmetrical lines of the building. In this shot, Gattaca is shaded in black and grey tones, also indicating the power and formality of the institution. As the camera tilts down, the strong lines and colouring remain constant as view of the staff are also brought into the frame. Directors have dressed actors in blue business suits, again, enforcing the concept of formality, conformity and sterility. The uniformed staff are very bland and indistinguishable from one another in their uniformed clothing. Silence is broken by the rising volume of diagetic sound effects, such as the beeping sound of accepted ‘valids’ through the turnstile, as well as an anonymous greeting by a placid female voice: â€Å"Welcome to Gattaca†. These techniques develop the idea that society has become lifeless and ‘black and white’, as Gattaca presents characters as clinical and robotic products of genetic modification, teaching audiences about social issues that relate to futures.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Advantages Of Human Resource Planning Business Essay

Advantages Of Human Resource Planning Business Essay Human resource planning is really important that without this all planning will finally end up as a mere guess work. Even if the predictions or forecast is not always successful, it is still needed because the forecasts can be quite useful which will give a basis. Upon this basis it is able to avoid ad hoc problems to an extent. Therefore human resource planning should be articulated along with the organisational planning. A dearth of particular category of employee or particular kind skills will affect the organisation in achieving its goals. Rapid changes in technology, marketing, management etc., will result in need of particular category an skilled persons. Changes within an organization in its design and structure will affect manpower demand. Demographic changes like the altering profile of the manpower in terms of age, sex, education etc. The Government policies in regard to reservation, child labour, working conditions etc. Different labour laws affecting the demand and supply of labour. Pressure from trade unions, politicians etc. Advantages of Human Resource Planning: Human Resources Planning (HRP) expects not just the needed quality and quantity of employees instead decide the accomplish plan for all the occasions of human resource management .The major advantages of Human resource planning are: It assures the corporate plan of the firm. The HRP elucidates doubts and alters to the upper limit potential and enables the organization to have right kind of people at right time in right place. It allows background for progress and growth of employees through training, development etc. It aids in anticipating the cost of salary increasing, improved benefits etc. It also helps to predict the cost of pay offs, incentives and all other cost of human resources which facilitates the formulation of budgets in an organization. To forecast the changes in abilities, aptitude and attitude of personnel. It results in the advancement of different origins of human resources to encounter the organizational goals and objectives. It also aids in taking measures to amend human resource shares in the form of enhanced output ,business turnover etc It facilities the control of all the functions, operations, contribution and cost of human resources Planning as an organisational business strategy: Planning process in a strategic way is often accomplished by networking with in and outside the organisation. The focus is therefore on strengthening the networking with the internal human resource professionals and external human resource persons which will be rooted in sharing information, technology, tools necessary for planning and development of personnel. The outcome depends on effective implementation of the developed tools and resources needed. Out of these a sustainable and feasible strategy has to be formulated. The most important thing to be noted here is that the strategy formulated should be articulated with the overall business strategy of the organisation. For this they will consult different human resource managers and all the line managers in the organisation. In order to ensure highest possible utilization of the tools they will work in close conjunction with the managers. This will be aimed in creating a sound personnel data base and tools for the line managers. Long term planning for success in short term: Though long term planning is advised the daily operational pressures would cause the long term planning to give way to short term planning. This might cause the plans ultimately to be less successful. It can be very expensive too. Quite lot of lead time is needed for recruiting, developing talented personnel. This will require long term economic plans. For a successful planning, all the factors need to be interconnected. The impact of short term planning will be to rely on current work force for all the organisational activities. But so as to achieve long term goals of an organisation it must have some changes made in the current human resources. It should be able to foresee the future needs of the organisation even in worst external scenario. Now the focus has been shifted from long range planning to strategic planning. What long range means is to predict for a particular time in future the amount of demand of an organisations services and to analyse in what area that demand will occur in future. This is often used to determine the demand in certain situations like expansion, adding of more services to the existing situation, capital needs etc. But later when the industries became volatile and the external scenario became dynamic the long range planning was replaced by strategic planning. The idea behind long range planning is that the firm will continue its rendering of services so as to match with its demand. But the idea underlying behind the strategic planning is that there are lot of economic, social, political, technological and competitive changes happening. By understanding all these changes to analyse whether the organisation will be able to provide services that would meet these challenges or whether it should m ove to further new services and products. Though it will take considerable time to evolve a strategy, time span is not the important focus here. It might even take generations to evolve and implement a strategy. Therefore it is better to use long term and short term to describe the time that it will take for a strategy to implement. CHAPTER 2 Literature Review: Human beings are the most important assets in hospitals. Machines and other equipments which are integral parts of delivering health care require the human touch, expertise, and commitment for their full utilization and application in delivery of health care. Therefore planning of human resources is the key to any health care provision. The objective of human resource (HR) policy is to attract, recruit, retain and develop competent personnel and Create a continuously learning health care organisation. (B.Ray) Human resource planning is the projection of the number of people required and the type of people in terms of skill mix required for the organisation so as to achieve the desired goals and objectives of the organisation. This means that human resource planning is an important add on to the strategic plans. But evidence shows that the connecting bridge between human resource planning and strategic management is not stressed in practice (Baird et al.1983, De sancto-1983; Ohan Rynes-1983). Reason to this non utilisation is found in focus of human resource planning literature. Almost all the research focuses on human resource supply and demand forecasting (Zedeck Casci-1984). Extra care may be taken in developing a statistical model of manpower planning, but little care is given to gaining managerial acceptance of such plans. Thus there exist a huge gap between available techniques and their use because important organisational realities are not projected in to the models (Zedeck Casc io,1984) Rapid environmental change, globalization, innovations to provide competitive products and services, changing customer and investor demands have become the standard backdrop for organizations. To compete effectively, firms must constantly improve their performance by reducing costs, enhancing quality, and differentiating their products and services. To improve firm performance and create firm competitive advantage, HR should focus on better and new set of priorities. These newly set priorities should be more organisational, business and strategic oriented and less focussed towards old traditional HR functions like staffing, training, appraisal and compensation. Business strategic priorities include team-based job designs, flexible workforces, quality improvement practices, employee empowerment and incentive compensation (Jing and Huang 2005). SHRM was designed to diagnose firm strategic needs and planned talent development which is required to implement a competitive strategy and achieve operational goals (Huselid et al., 1997). Apart from report proof on the strategic importance of human resource planning, studies of organisation practices give an indication of its arousing grandness for strategic applications. A study interviewed human resource executives from 137 companies to describe the reasons why their companies were following human resource forecasting, which an important part of human resource is planning. The most important three reasons were for bringing up their human resources (77.6 percent), for avoiding personnel shortages (73.1 percent), and to collect information for decisions (73.1 percent). Another set of reasons for human resource forecasting included the following: optimistic action efforts (63.6 percent), budgeting (62.1 percent), and career planning (59.7 percent)

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Authentic Leadership Essay -- True Leaders

Authentic Leadership Leadership can be shown through any person in any type of situation. In a classroom discussion, on the playing field, or in public a sign of a leader is evident. A person is born a leader. Certain humans know what to do when the time calls for it. Many people in positions can be entitled a leader such as basketball players. Even a famous movie star can be given this title. These people are not true leaders. True leaders are the belaboring teachers and the intellectual speakers. These are the people who show that leadership is an action, not a position. Touching lives and affecting the outcome of so many futures a teacher is the epitome of a leader. Just as a leader has his or her own style, a teacher’s way of motivating his/her students, also plays an important role for a students success. Spending more time children then most parents do, a teacher is crucial in shaping with children of the future. If teachers are poor leaders then children suffer. When they shine as leaders, children blossom and the universe is wide open. As a teacher must fine tune their leadership skills and find the best style of teaching for the students who they are teaching. The intrinsic characteristics of a teacher can be categorized into a few main teaching styles or leadership styles. Directing, participating, delegating, and combined styles are the main forms of teaching and leading. The qualities associated with these styles are necessary to any teacher. The purpose ... Authentic Leadership Essay -- True Leaders Authentic Leadership Leadership can be shown through any person in any type of situation. In a classroom discussion, on the playing field, or in public a sign of a leader is evident. A person is born a leader. Certain humans know what to do when the time calls for it. Many people in positions can be entitled a leader such as basketball players. Even a famous movie star can be given this title. These people are not true leaders. True leaders are the belaboring teachers and the intellectual speakers. These are the people who show that leadership is an action, not a position. Touching lives and affecting the outcome of so many futures a teacher is the epitome of a leader. Just as a leader has his or her own style, a teacher’s way of motivating his/her students, also plays an important role for a students success. Spending more time children then most parents do, a teacher is crucial in shaping with children of the future. If teachers are poor leaders then children suffer. When they shine as leaders, children blossom and the universe is wide open. As a teacher must fine tune their leadership skills and find the best style of teaching for the students who they are teaching. The intrinsic characteristics of a teacher can be categorized into a few main teaching styles or leadership styles. Directing, participating, delegating, and combined styles are the main forms of teaching and leading. The qualities associated with these styles are necessary to any teacher. The purpose ...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Satan :: essays research papers

Apple has two lawsuits pending that involve rumor-tracking Web sites. In Apple Computer v. Doe No. 1, et al. (or Apple v. Does for short), the company is suing up to 25 unnamed individuals for misappropriation of trade secrets—specifically, leaking Apple’s confidential information about an unreleased audio product code-named â€Å"Asteroid† to Think Secret, AppleInsider, and Jason O’Grady’s PowerPage. As part of the discovery process, Apple obtained subpoenas for all three sites for any and all information related to â€Å"Asteroid,† including the identity of all people who leaked the information, or communications that might reveal said identities. None of the sites is a defendant in the Does suit, though Apple has made clear that they could be named as defendants if evidence shows that they knowingly published Apple’s trade secrets (and Think Secret is a defendant in a second lawsuit not related to â€Å"Asteroid†). Both Think Secret and AppleInsider have their own e-mail service, so obtaining information about their e-mail records and messages would require subpoenaing the sites themselves, invoking difficulties about journalist privileges. When Apple learned that PowerPage used an external e-mail provider, the company’s legal team found its path of least resistance. Nfox has gone beyond refusal to contest the subpoena—the ISP refused to promise O’Grady that it would not comply with the subpoena before appeals were exhausted. That’s when the Electronic Frontier Foundation, representing the three sites, went to court seeking a protective order on O’Grady’s behalf to prevent Nfox from turning over the information to Apple. On March 4, lawyers for Apple and for the three subpoenaed sites met in the San Jose courtroom of Superior Court Judge James P. Kleinberg. They were arguing over the sites’ motion for a protective order barring Nfox from honoring Apple’s subpoenas. It was an uphill battle, because one day earlier, Judge Kleinberg tentatively ruled in Apple’s favor. On March 11, the Judge formalized his preliminary decision, denying the motion for the protective order, leaving Nfox free to honor Apple’s subpoenas and turn over all information from O’Grady’s e-mail related to â€Å"Asteroid,† including that which may identify the person who sent it to the sites. In the 13-page ruling, Kleinberg essentially told the three sites (the ones who moved to have the subpoenas quashed, hence their reference as movants in the decision) that their status as journalists does not matter—if they had Pulitzer Prizes, they’d still have to honor the subpoenas. Trade Secrets

Friday, October 11, 2019

Active Citizen

I’m going to become an active citizen in four simply steps which are learn about the issues, figure out what is not working and try to come up with solutions, take action, and make sure to talk to others. Step 1: read a good newspaper or website like www. cp24. com. Find out what is going on and what’s good and bad about my city, state, country, and the world. Step 2: start by looking in my city you I don’t get confused. To do this, I will need to make a list of categories, which will help me break down all the problems.Some examples are: Are there problems with the public education or catholic system? Is there a lack of community in my neighborhood? Step 3: write letters, call, and meet with your elected officials. I will make my voice be heard by writing to the media or even just starting a blog or website. I can host a creative fundraising project or volunteer with an organization. Step 4: make as many people as possible to be concerned about each problem that ’s happening with in our community, so that they can take their own actions and the problem can get solved.The most important thing is putting the word out there so people can act wisely. The three most significant lessons about citizenship that I will take away from this course are the freedom of speech, the freedom of voting, and the freedom of religion. Freedom of speech is extremely important because it refers to the right of an individual to express his/her views about matter of interest to him/her with the freedom of press which means the freedom of writing which both represent their thoughts.Freedom of speech gives people the right to express their opinions without being arrested and thrown to jail. The freedom of voting is also important because it lets people choose the person they feel will represent them better. Freedom of voting is also important because a democratic government can only function when as many people as possible are able to participate in the electo ral process.Freedom of religion is important because people need to feel that they are able to have some sort of influence that is free from the external control. Individual need to feel some sort of level of spiritual fulfillment and should be able to choose freely how that path is taken. Freedom of religion is so important because no matter what ones religion is all of them have one thing in common. It is also important because people wont be force to follow certain customs or beliefs like they used to back in the days.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Earthquake resistance design

Columns can sustain two types of Damage, namely axial- flexural (or combined compression bending) Failure and shear failure. Shear damage is brittle and must be avoided in columns as by providing transverse ties at close spacing which carry the horizontal shear forces and hold concrete and vertical bars together. Horizontal Bands and its Role: Horizontal bands are the most important Earthquake-resistant feature in masonry buildings, since it holds a masonry building as a Single unit by tying all the walls together. There are four types of bands in a typical Masonry building, namely gable band, roof band, lintel band and plinth band. Lintel band is the most Important of all, since it ties the walls together and also breaks the monotonous continuity of wall.The gable band is employed only in Buildings with pitched or sloped roofs. In buildings with flat R. C or reinforced brick roofs, the Roof band is not required. In buildings with pitched r sloped roof, the Roof band is very importan t. Plinth bands are primarily used where uneven settlement of foundation in soil undergoes bending and pulling actions. It will be better to use ARC bands Shear Wall: Reinforced concrete buildings often have vertical plate-like ARC walls called Shear Walls. These walls generally start at foundation level and are contain souse throughout the building height. Their thickness varies from mm to mm. Shear walls are usually provided along both length and width of buildings.Shear Core Shear walls are like vertically-oriented wide beams that carry earthquake odds downwards to the foundation. Just like reinforced concrete (ARC) beams and columns, ARC 6 shear walls also perform much better if designed to be ductile.. Shear walls, if provide around the elevator core or stair well is known as shear core. Boundary Elements: Under the large overturning effects caused by horizontal earthquake forces, edges of shear walls experience high compressive and tensile stresses. To ensure that shear walls behave in a ductile way, concrete in the wall end regions must be reinforced in a special manner to sustain these load reversals without loosing strength.End regions of a wall with increased infotainment are called boundary elements which have high bending strength. Boundary Elements (Design, Location) Short and Long Columns: During past earthquakes, reinforced concrete (ARC) frame buildings that have columns of different heights within one storey, suffered more damage in the shorter columns as compared to taller columns in the same storey. Short Column Behavior: Poor behavior of short columns is due to the fact that in an earthquake, a tall column and a short column of same cross-section move horizontally by same amount. However, the short column is stiffer as compared to the tall column, ND it attracts larger earthquake force. Therefore it cause X-shaped cracks.Short Column (Failure, Location with Mezzanine floor) Stiffness of a column means resistance to deformation -? the larger is the stiffness, larger is the force required to deform it. This behavior is called Short Column Effect. Design Phenomenon: 7 If it is not possible to avoid short columns, this effect must be addressed in structural design. As per Indian Standard the reinforcement must extend beyond the short column into the columns vertically above. In case of stone or brick masonry the width has to be increased accordingly for short column. BEAM COLUMN JOINT: The points where the beams and columns intersect is a beam column joint. Since they too made of same material we can't expect to have more strength. So have to take care on these unavoidable joints.During earthquake the upper bars and lower bars act in a different direction causing elongation or damage of joint. Design Strategy: In design practice large column size, having large closed loops are placed inside. These should follow some design specification. Normally we will go for the anchoring of the bars at the ends. Micro concreting can b e gone in the congested junction. Beam Column Joint (Location, Failure without proper anchorage) Hidden Beams: These are also called as concealed beams which have their depth equal to that of the slab. These can be provided either on longer or on the shorter span. When provided along longer span it is found that the load carrying capacity increase to 135% with an economical increase of just 0. 4 -? 0. 5%.These beams are designed for negative bending moment which is caused due to load reversal expected during earthquake. 8 Hidden Beam Plastic Hinge: As moment increases, the linear stress distribution form persists and the extreme fiber stress reaches the yield stress value. Further increase in the bending moment cannot produce any increased fiber-stress but causes yield to spread into the inner fibers. As the bending moment Increases more and more fibers reach the yield stress until the final state, the whole of the section will yield. The complete yielding across the section of a be am is termed as plastic hinge. The section now carries the maximum bending moment without strain hardening taking place. The beam can carry no further load.Any further load will only result in increased deflection. The beam will behave as if t is hinged at the plastic section and a condition of collapse has been reached. Reduced Beam Section: This is a section of beam which is provided along the length of steel beams. These will have their area of cross section lesser than the proceeding section to an extent that it will just act as a plastic hinge. In case of steel section also a circular arc will be cut in the required flange portion of span. Reduced Beam Section Pre tensioning Technique: In case Of domes and shell Structures, the lateral thrust experienced will be more. This fault is answered well by pre tensioned concrete.In case of huge trustees like nuclear 9 rectors, large spanning domes we will be having a thin walled cylindrical tube of diameter about 10 to 15 CM and steel rods will be packed tightly. Pre tension elements (After & Before Concreting) Then stressing will be done as per design and then the micro concrete is injected in pressure into the tube. This setup is then done with normal concreting. It will resist the lateral thrust in an effective manner. Techniques to Adopt on Sky Scrappers: While speaking about large multistoried buildings we can't simply go in for normal strengthening of beams, columns, and other structural elements. There we had an alternative to speak about some elements such as Bearing, Bracing, Friction pendulum and Dampers which are primarily meant to take Vibration produced by lateral force.Rubber Bearings: Rubber bearings are made from layers Of rubber with thin steel plates between them, and a thick steel plate on the top and bottom. The bearings are placed between the bottom of a building and its foundation . The bearings are designed to be very stiff and strong for vertical load to carry the weight of the building an d designed to be much weaker for horizontal loads, so that they can move sideways due to lateral thrust. Rubber Bearing Viscous Dampers Viscous Dampers: Viscous fluid dampers are meant as shock absorbers. They consist of a closed cylinder containing a viscous fluid and a piston having small holes in its head. As the 10 piston move in and out of the cylinder oil is forced in and out causing friction.The damper is usually installed as part of a building's bracing system using single diagonals. As the building sways to and fro, the piston is forced In and out of the cylinder. Friction Dampers: Friction dampers are designed to have moving parts that will slide over each other. The damper is made up from a set Of steel plates, with slotted holes in hem, and they are bolted together. At high enough forces, the plates can slide over each other creating friction causing energy dissipation. The plates are specially treated to increase the friction between them. Friction Dampers Cross Bearing s (In foundation) Cross Bracing: These are very common in case of vertical load distribution.But we can also adopt this technique to foundation, in which the entire building will be laid in a cross horizontal bracing rather than placing it directly on foundation. It will distribute the load to joints and through foundation finally. Friction bearing (Location, Appearance) 11 Friction Pendulum: Considering about the large multistory buildings, we can always expect some appreciable movement in it base due to the vibration. Instead to resist against it completely we can allow the structure to deform at its foundation level by provision of friction pendulum without damaging the structural integrity.